
Oral Presentation – 2nd Congress of the Network of Higher Education Institutions for the Safeguard of the Mediterranean Diet / 2nd International Conference on Mediterranean Diet and Gastronomy

Impact of the Veggies4myHeart Project on Vegetable Consumption in Preschool Age - School Year 2022/23

Mariana Borges, Rita Novo, Tiago A. Rosa, Leonel Vieito, Sara Simões-Dias, Marlene Lages, Maria P Guarino, Cátia Braga-Pontes

At the 2nd Congress of the Network of Higher Education Institutions for the Safeguard of the Mediterranean Diet/2nd International Conference on Mediterranean Diet and Gastronomy, held in Évora, the Veggies4myHeart Team presented the Oral Communication “Impact of the Veggies4myHeart Project on the Consumption of Vegetables in Preschool Age – Academic Year 2022/23”.

The presentation focused on the results relating to the consumption of vegetables in preschool children, resulting from the Veggies4myHeart 2022/23 Project Edition.

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