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Poster – XLI Meeting of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology (SEE) and XVIII Congress of the Portuguese Association of Epidemiology (APE)

Impact of the Veggies4Myheart Project on Knowledge and Consumption of Vegetables in Preschool Age

Mariana Borges, Rita Novo, Tiago Araújo Rosa, Leonel Vieito, Sara Simões-Dias, Marlene Lages, Maria P. Guarino, Cátia Braga-Pontes​

From the 5th to the 8th of September 2023, the XLI Meeting of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology (SEE)/XVIII Congress of the Portuguese Association of Epidemiology (APE) took place in Porto.

The Veggies4myHeart project participated with the poster “Impact of the Veggies4Myheart Project on the Knowledge and Consumption of Vegetables in Preschool Age”, presented by the Team’s Researcher, Dr. Sara Simões-Dias.

Participation in the congress contributed to further enriching the project. Interaction with other experts and sharing knowledge contribute to new perspectives, which allow Veggies4myHeart to be expanded, enabling the promotion of healthy habits in preschool children.


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