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Poster – XXIII Nutrition and Food Congress

Assessment of the Effectiveness of Pedagogical Tools on Vegetable Consumption Among Preschool Children: Results of the Veggies4Myheart Project

Rita Novo, Joana Edra, Leonel Vieito, Sara Simões Dias, Marlene Lages, Maria P. Guarino e Cátia Braga-Pontes

The Veggies4myHeart Project participated in the XXIII edition of the Nutrition and Food Congress, which took place on the 16th and 17th of May 2024 at the Lisbon Congress Center.

The project team was present, having presented the poster entitled “Assessment of the Effectiveness of Pedagogical Tools on Vegetable Consumption Among Preschool Children: Results of the Veggies4Myheart Project”.

The poster presented by Joana Edra, 4th year student of the Degree in Dietetics and Nutrition, addressed the results obtained through different educational materials in the 2023/24 edition.

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