Equipa Veggies APN

Veggies4myHeart project present at the XXIII Nutrition and Food Congress

The Veggies4myHeart team was again present at the annual Congress of the Portuguese Nutrition Association last Thursday, May 16, 2024. The XXIII Nutrition and Food Congress occurred at the Lisbon Congress Center with the theme “Nutrition: A Science for Inclusion.”


At this event, the Veggies4myHeart project had the opportunity to present the Poster entitled “Assessment of the Effectiveness of Pedagogical Tools on Vegetable Consumption Among Preschool Children:  Results of the Veggies4Myheart Project”.

Poster – XXIII Nutrition and Food Congress

Assessment of the Effectiveness of Pedagogical Tools on Vegetable Consumption Among Preschool Children: Results of the Veggies4Myheart Project

Rita Novo, Joana Edra, Leonel Vieito, Sara Simões Dias, Marlene Lages, Maria P. Guarino e Cátia Braga-Pontes

The Veggies4myHeart Project participated in the XXIII edition of the Nutrition and Food Congress, which took place on the 16th and 17th of May 2024 at the Lisbon Congress Center.

The project team was present, having presented the poster entitled “Assessment of the Effectiveness of Pedagogical Tools on Vegetable Consumption Among Preschool Children: Results of the Veggies4Myheart Project”.

The poster presented by Joana Edra, 4th year student of the Degree in Dietetics and Nutrition, addressed the results obtained through different educational materials in the 2023/24 edition.

Oral Presentation – 10 Years of the Research Center of the Local Health Unit of the Leiria Region


Rita Novo, Joana Edra, Leonel Vieito, Sara Simões Dias, Marlene Lages, Maria P Guarino, Eduarda Abrantes, Gustavo Reis, Ricardo Antunes, Sophie Bucher DellaTorre, Cátia Braga-Pontes

The Leiria Local Health Unit Research Center celebrated its 10th anniversary, together with ciTechCare, which celebrated its 5th anniversary. The “Research, Innovation, and Sustainability in Health” event occurred on the 13th and 14th of May in the Auditorium of the School of Health Sciences – Polytechnic of Leiria. During this event, an oral communication entitled “Food education project to promote the consumption of vegetables in preschool children” was presented, highlighting the results obtained since the project’s inception.


Veggies4myHeart Project on the anniversary of the Leiria Region ULS Research Center and ciTechCare

Last Monday, May 13, 2024, ciTechCare celebrated its 5th anniversary, holding a joint event with the Research Center of the Local Health Unit of the Leiria Region, which also celebrated its 10th anniversary.

At this event, the Veggies4myHeart project had the opportunity to share its journey since its creation, having highlighted the results of all the years of intervention.

The 4th year student of the Degree in Dietetics and Nutrition, Joana Edra, had the opportunity to present the work developed and results obtained over the years.