Poster – 2nd European Congress on Maternal and Child Nutrition

The Relationship Between Food Preferences And Willingness To Try Vegetables

Mariana Borges, Tiago Araújo Rosa, Leonel Vieito, Sara Simões-Dias, Marlene Lages, Maria P. Guarino, Cátia Braga-Pontes

The Veggies4myHeart Project was at the 2nd European Congress of Maternal and Child Nutrition, held at the Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda in Porto on the 20th and 21st of October 2023. The poster entitled “The Relationship Between Food Preferences and Willingness to Try Vegetables” was presented by the nutritionist and principal researcher of the project, Cátia Braga-Pontes.

The results indicated that the desire to try vegetables correlates with the food preferences reported by parents.


Veggies4myHeart team visits the Escola Básica de Cabeças, in Estarreja, to promote the consumption of vegetables

On October 13, 2023, the Veggies4myHeart team was present at Escola Básica de Cabeças in the Municipality of Estarreja. The visit was a success, led by two nutritionists and two curricular interns from the Degree in Dietetics and Nutrition at the Escola Superior de Saúde de Leiria (ESSLei) from the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria.

During the visit, the 35 preschool and 1st CEB children had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Veggies4myHeart project, which aims to promote knowledge and consumption of vegetables in children. The activities included a presentation about the project and Veggies and a moment to experience the Veggies4myHeart digital game.

In addition, children participated in a 5-vegetable tasting, providing a practical opportunity to explore and appreciate the diversity of flavors and textures that vegetables offer.

Students from Escola de Cabeça demonstrated their creativity by presenting the team with a charming song about vegetables, showing their enthusiasm and understanding of the benefits of including them in a healthy diet.

Finally, the students surprised the Veggies4myHeart team with carefully handmade puppets representing each of the Veggies. This gesture was received with gratitude and enthusiasm.

The team expressed their happiness at the warm welcome from Escola Básica de Cabeças.

Oral Presentation – 2nd Congress of the Network of Higher Education Institutions for the Safeguard of the Mediterranean Diet / 2nd International Conference on Mediterranean Diet and Gastronomy

Impact of the Veggies4myHeart Project on Vegetable Consumption in Preschool Age - School Year 2022/23

Mariana Borges, Rita Novo, Tiago A. Rosa, Leonel Vieito, Sara Simões-Dias, Marlene Lages, Maria P Guarino, Cátia Braga-Pontes

At the 2nd Congress of the Network of Higher Education Institutions for the Safeguard of the Mediterranean Diet/2nd International Conference on Mediterranean Diet and Gastronomy, held in Évora, the Veggies4myHeart Team presented the Oral Communication “Impact of the Veggies4myHeart Project on the Consumption of Vegetables in Preschool Age – Academic Year 2022/23”.

The presentation focused on the results relating to the consumption of vegetables in preschool children, resulting from the Veggies4myHeart 2022/23 Project Edition.

Captura de ecrã 2023-10-12, às 11.07.49

2nd Congress of the Network of Higher Education Institutions for the Safeguard of the Mediterranean Diet / 2nd International Conference on Mediterranean Diet and Gastronomy

On the 28th and 29th of September, the Palace of Dom Manuel I, in Évora, hosted the 2nd Congress of the Network of Higher Education Institutions for the Safeguard of the Mediterranean Diet/2nd International Conference on Mediterranean Diet and Gastronomy. This event brought together professionals from different areas to debate the future of the Mediterranean diet.

On the first day of this conference, Nutritionist Rita Nunes Novo, from the Veggies4myHeart Team, presented the notable results of the Project through the Oral Communication entitled “Impact of the Veggies4myHeart Project on the Consumption of Vegetables in Pre-School Age School Year 2022/23”.

The results revealed a significant increase in the consumption of vegetables among participating children, demonstrating that the Veggies4myHeart Project, through its pedagogical tools, continues to achieve the objective of promoting healthier eating habits and the consumption of vegetables in preschool-age children.

Poster – XLI Meeting of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology (SEE) and XVIII Congress of the Portuguese Association of Epidemiology (APE)

Impact of the Veggies4Myheart Project on Knowledge and Consumption of Vegetables in Preschool Age

Mariana Borges, Rita Novo, Tiago Araújo Rosa, Leonel Vieito, Sara Simões-Dias, Marlene Lages, Maria P. Guarino, Cátia Braga-Pontes​

From the 5th to the 8th of September 2023, the XLI Meeting of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology (SEE)/XVIII Congress of the Portuguese Association of Epidemiology (APE) took place in Porto.

The Veggies4myHeart project participated with the poster “Impact of the Veggies4Myheart Project on the Knowledge and Consumption of Vegetables in Preschool Age”, presented by the Team’s Researcher, Dr. Sara Simões-Dias.

Participation in the congress contributed to further enriching the project. Interaction with other experts and sharing knowledge contribute to new perspectives, which allow Veggies4myHeart to be expanded, enabling the promotion of healthy habits in preschool children.


Abstract – XXII Nutrition and Food Congress

Food Neophobia And The Willingness To Try Vegetables In Preschool Children – Veggies4Myheart Project​

Mariana Borges, Tiago Araújo Rosa, Leonel Vieito, Sara Simões-Dias, Marlene Lages, Maria P Guarino, Cátia Braga-Pontes​

At the XXII Nutrition and Food Congress, the Veggies4myHeart Team presented the Oral Communication “Food Neophobia And The Willingness To Try Vegetables In Preschool Children – Veggies4Myheart Project”.

The communication focused on the association between the desire to try vegetables and food neophobia in preschool children, resulting from the Veggies4myHeart 2021/22 Project Edition.


2nd Hospital da Luz Pediatrics Congress

On March 2, 2023, the 2nd edition of the Pediatrics Congress took place at Hospital da Luz.

Nutritionist Cátia Pontes, principal researcher of the Veggies4myHeart Project, represented the entire team in the oral communication “Parents’ Perception of the Nutritional Status of Preschool Children – Veggies4myHeart Project”.

This oral communication addressed the issue of being overweight during childhood. Parental perception regarding the nutritional status of preschool children is crucial in raising awareness of childhood obesity and can be very relevant in its prevention.

In the 2022/23 Edition, the project intervened in 3 kindergartens in the municipality of Leiria. A questionnaire was administered to the children’s legal representatives. This instrument consisted of sociodemographic data and questions about parents’ perception of their children’s nutritional status. The body mass index (BMI) was used, based on the World Health Organization’s growth curves, to categorize the children. The results published in the oral communication taken to the Pediatrics Congress emerged from the responses to the questionnaire.

Given the results obtained, the Veggies4myHeart project exposed the importance of raising awareness among parents about the actual nutritional status of their children, who tend to perceive them as having a normal nutritional status, which could delay the search for specialized help and correct referral.

The oral communication was awarded as one of the best works at the event.


Launch of the Veggies4myHeart Storybook

On February 15th, at ciTechCare, the book “Who Wants to go to the Village Market?” was presented, following the recognition of the Veggies4myHeart project, led by Cátia Pontes, as the best national project of the year in the Community Nutrition and Health category Public.

The ceremony was attended by several researchers and other professionals who wanted to know more about how this project is helping to promote the consumption of vegetables in preschool children.

The story written by Maria de Fátima Martins, Beatriz Nogueira, Joyce Zanker, and Guilherme Moreira, professionals and students in the field of nutrition, is available in some local children’s schools in Leiria.

Marlene Lages, Miguel Oliveira, Maria José Gamboa, Cristina Nobre, and Eduarda Abrantes were responsible for the technical and scientific review, and Diana Domingues was accountable for the book’s illustration.

Thanks to the support of the Leiria City Council, it was possible to deliver this illustrative and educational book to all Kindergarten Schools in the municipality of Leiria.